Saturday, September 14, 2019

The harvest always comes ...

Autumn is almost here my dears. Did it feel like time went faster this year? The solstice will be upon us soon. It is a funny time, isn't it? Everything is so lush, so alive, so rich in greens, colours, life ... The sun, hot, ripening everything to peak perfection ... toward its death...

Transformation ...

Nature, is our wisest and greatest teacher, if we allow. Everything we could ever hope to know is right before our eyes, waiting to be noticed, witnessed ... the forgotten sacred, waiting to be remembered. Look. See. Open. Go back.

Have you noticed now how hot the sun feels on your skin these days and how cold it is in the shade? The hot-cold sun of Autumn is a sun we need to be grateful for. He is a generous Sun. Letting us know that this particular life will soon come to an end for another season and giving us time to enjoy the heat, the bounty, the sounds, the air ... so gently letting us know that we must prepare for the cold and darkness to come.

The harvest always comes.

Harvest Moon is a time of death and transformation. It is the last harvest of the season, the animal harvest. The most difficult one. The minute we eat anything at all, we have taken death and transformed it. What we have eaten now becomes us, and this being we have consumed, now goes on as part of a new whole... Life is wild ...

The harvest always comes.

Think about your lives now for a moment. Not later. Now. No matter what you are doing. Stop. Give yourself a minute.


Do you feel the moment of peace inside of you? Does the breath naturally come? A relief?

What will you harvest when you are in the Autumn of your life my dear ones? No matter what, day by day, moment by moment, with every single action you take, you are putting into the garden of your life. Good or bad, loving or damaging, every moment, it's going in.

The wheel of time goes on.

So take a good, clear, honest look at how you are spending your days ... who you are spending your days with ... what information you are feeding your mind ... what are you feeding your spirit ... your heart ... your stomach ... it all matters, every moment. It all builds your garden and readies it for Harvest.

How will your internal and external garden look in the Autumn of your life? Will it be full of thriving things that have been nurtured and cared for, given adequate food, water, love, sun, air, moon, love, space, time, rest, protection ... Every living being thrives on these things...

Or, will it be dry, wilted, devoid of fruits, stunted, weak from abandon, hungry for love, for rest, for food, water, sun, air, moon, love, space, time, rest, protection ...

Which will you harvest? The bounty? The lack? Think. Look. See your life ... your input in it ... your power to create anything.

Because my dears, the harvest always comes.

A good Harvest Moon to all. ReJOYce in the magnificence of this extraordinary life. Gratitude. Remember the forgotten. Open your eyes once more to what is important. The magic is in the minutes, the seconds, rich with eternity, rich with you.

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