Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Old beginnings ...

I am sitting in the stinkiest room I have ever been in. I have a deadline of 16 minutes. Each link takes about two minutes to upload. I've found this stinky (it's so bad) "internet cafe" because I wanted to check in with you. Axel's just been out to bring me a virgin pina colada and his wretch upon re-entry reminds me of the stink I have now become used to. Anyhow, time is a tickin' ...

May has been a month of beginnings for me. New beginnings. Old beginnings. Beginnings that I had forgotten about. I've started again at the Jean-Talon market and have been having some difficulties with scheduling this beautiful craft that I love so much. The days are very long but incredibly rewarding. There are no phones or internet access. I have so much to share with you. When I get back, I am all over the scheduling of said loved craft into my new routine.

I have so many stories for you dear readers. I can't wait to share.

In the meantime, I am so out of here. 8 minutes on the clock.Gag.