Monday, April 1, 2013

Me and the Baobab ...

Do you remember Bugs Bunny, or Tom and Jerry or the Pink Panther or Snoopy? You do right?!! Okay, so remember when Bugs or Tom or Jerry or Pink or Snoopy used to smell the baking bread and would be roused from sleep and proceed to float, snaking along the cartoon wafty smelly thingie? Well, that is me right now. I am now, presently, right this very moment, starting to levitate - my body snaking  and coiling along the scent of freshly baking bread that is wafting, ever so tantalizingly, in here from the kitchen. Yes. I am baking bread. Heaven is in this moment.
Aaaanyhooo, do you remember in the previous post (this one) where I said I was going to be back with the during being away photos? From the being away? Well, um, I think ... I went ... may have gone, in fact ... a touch... flower crazy. Because, well ... almost all the photos seem to be of flowers.
With perhaps a tree or two. One cloud formation. A wave. An Axel. And a mangosteen! 

This is the sunset on the canal behind the condo, it was such a cool place to do yoga during my #365daysofyogaadventure. More on that adventure here for those of you who are interested...

Who can resist sunlight through trees  ...

Just look at this will you?!

Here we go with the flowers ...

These darlings are passion flowers. There is this really incredible tea that is made from this beautiful flower that is good for so many things.

Just hanging there ...just like that ...

Del Ray palms at the end of a lovely day ...

Me and the Baobab ...

There was so much energy and wisdom in this beautiful tree ...

Orchids growing on trees ... it was incredible ...

The intoxicating scent of these beautiful orchids was something to remember ...

More orchids ...


I just couldn't help myself ...


Mid afternoon nap, breeze flowing through the open window, sun blazing in, golf magazine not far away ....

Clouds and a day moon ...

The ocean showing Axel love ...

One more cloud shot ...

And the mangosteen!

I am now going to try to find some other than flower photos ... And the bread recipe.

I'll be back ...