Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In the land of bones, butter & pig fat...

 Alright. I have a confession to make.

I was not sure if I wanted to talk about this here but I suppose it must come out because I am going to alter the way I eat for a while and therefore my recipes and slightly therefore, what I write about. Ish. For a bit.  For a bit!

People, my dear, sweet readers, my dosha is out of balance. That's right. I said dosha and out of balance. You have read it here first. My name is Oana, and I, am an out of balance Pitta.

You still with me? Hang in there... don't freak out.

For those of you who may not know (and most of you wouldn't, it is not something I normally talk about here) Ayurveda and the Healing Arts are a sizable part of my life. Like super big :). So since I'll be adopting a bit of a balancing style for a while, I'll be talking about it here, from time to time. Right here in the land of bones, butter and pig fat. 

I'll be saying things like bone water  (I've posted a great recipe here) and guna and lassi  (remember the don't freak out part) and, well, balancing and chakra and other such things. I hope you will still love me.


Time to dish.

Really awesome Soy Chai to soothe Vata
Here is what you need:
  • Small handfuls each, of cloves, Asian dates & star anise
  • A cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamon seeds, use a small handful of whole cardamom pods if you don't have ground
  • 1 liter of soy milk, without carageenan if you can find it 
  • Maple syrup to taste
Here is what to do:
  1. You remember these extremely difficult instructions ... well, same thing here. I swear.
Once done, put on a big woolly sweater and socks, curl up with a good book or whatever you love to watch or whomever you love or whatever, and enjoy. It's awesome.

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