Thursday, March 15, 2012

And curd it was ...

Somehow last Wednesday, I found myself with 24 eggs. I was expecting 12. I had plans for 12. There were only supposed to be 12! Ahem. But then life (aka: Jean-Pierre's wife Debbie) bestowed upon me 24. Those are a lot of eggs, I thought to myself staring blankly at my refrigerator in my puffy slippers and nose.

What is one feverish puffy person to do with such yolky quantity, I said to myself (still staring blankly at my refrigerator in my puffy slippers and nose).

I sent out tweets, im's and other such modern enquiries. I flipped a few pages with listless fingers. Then! I vaguely remembered through the puffy fog, that I had a full bowl of Meyer lemons and key limes that were long (like skin hard as a rock long) in the tooth. And then like a beacon in the fog, it hit me. Curd! When life gives you lemons and make curd. Curd people.

And curd it was.

Long in the tooth ... but oh oh oh so juicy ...
Eggs from the farm...each one a different color and texture ...

Totally awesome lemon & lime curd

The golden glorious result ... curd ...
Here is what you need:

  • 1/2 cup ish** of  freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup ish** of  freshly squeezed Key lime juice
  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature please
  • 1/4 cup of fine sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 4 large egg yolks, room temperature please
  • 2 large eggs , room temperature please
  • a tiny pinch of sea salt
Here is what to do:

  1. In a bowl that you can later put over a pot of simmering water, cream your butter and sugar and honey until they are lovely and light and everything blends together. Then add your yolks, then the eggs one at a time, beating well to incorporate after each one. Stir in the salt, then gradually add your ridiculously amazing juice, working the juice in as you go. At this point it may separate but don't worry it will come together when you put it over the simmering water.
  2. Now fill your pot half way with water. Bring to a simmer and put your bowl of curd on top of it. Stir lovingly and constantly, and heat the curd slowly so that the sugar has time to dissolve (usually about ten - twelve minutes). Once the curd is just thick enough to coat your spoon, it's done. Take it off the heat because it will thicken, like a lot, as it cools. Put it in a beautiful jar, let it come to room temperature and then put it in the fridge. It will keep for about a week. Or, as in my house, it will be eaten before the end of the day. Straight from the jar. Like pudding.
You can have it with dark chocolate, it's the best.
You can have it on top of mascarpone, it's the best.
You can serve it with fresh fruit, it's the best.
You can serve it on a flaky croissant, it's the best.
And so on, and so forth.

Onward curd!

**It's a forgiving recipe darlings so not to worry, just to enjoy!

***Ccccurd curd curd curd is the word, cccurd curd curd ...yeah...sorry, Peter Griffin, chicken, bird song, bbbbird bird bird, curd, yeah know ...da da da da da da ta ta ta ta ... curd.***

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